Fly with Hummingbirds
“Grown men can learn from very little children—for the hearts of little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show them many things that older people miss.”
When Hummingbirds Fly, unlike other birds, they move their tiny bodies by flitting their wings in every direction. There is incredible energy and power in their movement and a resulting beauty unlike any other. We Hummingbirds, too, are strong women flying in many directions. We aim to nurture and serve others with our actions both at home and in our surrounding communities. We spend time raising funds for locally run organizations that need our support, and then we Fly to these communities to put our work into practice. Hummingbird Flights are about engaging, befriending and offering a grant for real people’s real needs. When we fly, we provide an opportunity to see the world we serve, meet the people to whom we offer assistance and have fun while doing so - creating beauty in every possible direction.
Join one of our 2018 engagement trips:
may 2018
Water Within Reach, Lakota Reservation
Mother + Son Trip | South Dakota | Summer 2018
Fall 2018
Water Within Reach, Navajo Reservation
Mother + Daughter Trip | New Mexico | Fall 2018
Annette and Jennifer- what do we want to do with all the content below this point on this page? Delete the "mother and son details" part? Keep the "past trips" part?
Mother + Son Trip Details:
- Who: Mothers and boys over 10
- What: Leadership, activism, philanthropy & culture
- Where: South Dakota
- When: Thursday, May 17th to Sunday, May 20th
- With: A give or get for each Mother + Son team of at least $250. Each team will cover their own travel costs.
Hummingbirds is taking a group of mothers and sons to South Dakota to visit Pine Ridge on the Lakota Sioux Reservation. We will be working prior to the trip to either give (personally) or get (raise) at least $250 per mother & son team to support Thunder Valley and their Youth Programs that engage Lakota youth. Hummingbirds will work with the families who want to fundraise.
The Thunder Valley Youth Leadership Development Initiative develops healthy living skills, increases Lakota youth's fluency and understanding of Lakota language and culture, and to nurture their participation in the community. Youth have many ideas about how to create a better future, but they also need space to enjoy being kids, and Thunder Valley, powered by Hummingbirds and these Mother + Son teams will provide the opportunities for them to dedicate time to both.
We will stay at a lovely lodge in the Black Hills and visit the sights of the area like Mt. Rushmore, but more importantly there will be a focus on the culture of the Lakota Sioux. I am also working on some fun stuff like rope climbing and a trip to Bear Country. We will spend one day on the reservation and the boys will join the Lakota kids for a workshop on sustainable living, perhaps gardening or harvesting chickens. The boys will be visited by one of the leading activist and community organizers of Standing Rock.
It’s going to be a lot of fun, a chance to be exposed to a culture outside of our own, a rare moment to share time with our sons, and most importantly, an opportunity to instill the values of compassion and giving with our boys.